Thursday 19 July 2007

Thursday 19/07/07

I have always been a pretty big guy.

But ever since I finished school at age 15, I started eating my feelings, and just started getting bigger and bigger. My parents suggested I go to the gym, so I started going 3 times a week, but have now cut down to one or two times.

When I came out in 2001, I started clubbing and instantly made friends with everyone, cos I am a really friendly guy. Everyone says that. I've even made friends with people who have abs. Not all of them are shallow. And on the one or two occasions that I get ignored, I just think of that great Whitney Houston song. The Greatest Love Of All ... is happening inside of me. And that's what matters.

Anyway, on the train to work today, I showed one of the girls I work with my tattoo. She had no idea who Jackie Collins is! She didn't like the scabs either. I travelled by myself on the way home, listening to The Greatest Love Of All over and over again.

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